you have reached the SUPER SECRET SECTION!!! Lucky You!!!
Which of the Rudy Pat! kids do you most resemble?
1. What is your motto?
A: Dude!
B: 4 packs of mayonnaise, please.
2. How do you best describe your personality?
A. Mysterious, the type that does all the work
B. Easy-Going, the type that hides his true feelings
C. ANAL!!!
3. What is your drug of choice?
A. Whatever works, man...
B. Oh you know, booze, pills, weed...
C. Steel Reserve and rock n' roll…
4. What do you eat at Waffle House?
A. Steak and Eggs
B. Mayonnaise on hash browns
C. Sausage melt
5. What CD is in your stereo right now?
A. The Pretty Things - SF Sorrow
B. Dr. Dre - The Chronic
C. The National Acrobat - Volume Zero
6. Your attitude on Rudy Pat! is:
A. We suck, dude...
B. We f*ckin' rock!
C. Sometimes A, sometimes B
7. Rudy Pat! sounds like:
A: A bunch of bands I've never heard of…
B. Rock n' roll…
C. Hum and Failure.
8. Which album do you mack to?
A: The Nuggets box set
B: Cheap Trick - Live At Budokan
C: Botch - We Are The Romans
9. What's your favorite pick-up line?
A. do you like music?
B. Make me dinner, ho!
10. What are you looking for in a relationship?
A. Oh you know, someone I can chill with...
B. Someone I can party with…